I’m currently in Fort Worth, Texas, trying to balance my time as a student with living a musical and inspired life of constant learning. This is what I spend my time doing:
- Completing coursework towards a Bachelor’s of Music Education degree with Vocal Concentration at TCU (Go Frogs!)
- Singing with the Vocal Majority barbershop chorus on Thursday nights
- Teaching myself about web design, practical typography, and video production
- Drafting a Western Classical music theory and ear training curriculum aimed at teaching music theory from a vocal/choral perspective for musicians less familiar with approaching music as chordal and letter-name concepts (inspired by my difficulties and successes in high school AP Music Theory and tutoring undergraduate theory)
On a big picture level, these are my priorities:
- Inspire my peers and colleagues to become the best educators and musicians they can be for the sake of their future students and the artform
- Pursue learning projects and ideas that interest me
- Invest time building and maintaining genuine, meaningful relationships
- Sleep 7 hours a night (as my student schedule permits)
- Eat well
- Read daily
- Optimize my time management and delegate the things I don’t want to do/shouldn’t be doing
As my activities and priorities change, I’ll update this page to reflect those changes. Last update: July 27, 2022.
This page is inspired by Derek Sivers and his “now page.”